若一家新創對開發太空商機有興趣,它必須做的第一步是尋找公司的太空相關性 (Space-Connection):太空能為你的公司帶來哪些價值,你又能為太空產業提供甚麼?
繼上次台荷加速器所舉辦的「台歐太空線上座談會」以後,本次 4 月 21-22 日的「台歐太空商機說明會」活動將帶各位更深入的探索太空商業領域.我們邀請到歐洲和台灣的太空產業專家,與各位分享太空經濟為各種行業帶來哪些機會,而對太空有興趣的新創公司又該如何找到自己的太空相關性,如何接觸到台歐的太空資源,如何尋找太空服務的供應者等.
1) 台歐太空產業講座,由多位專家以主題演講的方式分享關於太空產業的重點情報.
2) 專家一對一時段,由幾位歐洲資深太空產業領袖與你的團隊單獨討論你的太空相關 IDEA.一對一時段名額限制為 12 個團隊,每團隊討論時間為 30 分鐘.在報名表單內簡單敘述你的太空 IDEA 後,將由專家與主辦方選擇最適合參與的團隊.
本次活動透過 Google Meet 線上舉行,活動開始前我們將透過 Email 與您分享會議連結.
While some might imagine the Space sector as a distanced and hard-to-reach territory for businesses, this is far from the truth. In fact, the Space economy contains opportunities for innovative entrepreneurs and companies in every sector, via the key concept of ‘Space Connection’: space technologies and space systems can be indeed transferred and/or utilized in any industry.
The 'Taiwan-Europe Space Connection Opportunities Roadshow' event taking place on April 21-22 will feature in-depth insights, analysis and clarifications on the existing pathways for space-connected entrepreneurs to expand their operations between Taiwan and Europe.
The event has two main segments:
The first segment, TW-EU Space Opportunities Seminar, features experts from both regions, presenting the space-connected opportunities available within the existing ecosystems.
The second segment of the event will be the 30’ face-to-face video conference meetings between experts in space technologies and business incubation, and entrepreneurs, students and corporate companies, to discuss the possibility in Taiwan to either create a ‘space-connected’ start-up, or introduce a space technology in existing products/services, or consider the scaling-up and growth in Europe.
Note: The event is at full capacity and registration has closed. Thank you for your interest!
活動時程 Event Time
1) 台歐太空產業講座 TW-EU Space Opportunities Seminar
2021/04/21 14:30 - 15:45 TW
2) 專家一對一時段 Space-Connection Face-to-Face Meetings
2021/04/21 16:00 - 19:00 TW
2021/04/22 15:00 - 19:00 TW
專家講者陣容 Speakers Lineup
Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu 吳宗信 博士 | 國立陽明交通大學機械工程學系特聘教授 、ARRC 前瞻火箭研究中心主任
Distinguished Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Taiwan’s NYCU, and the Founder/Director of Advanced Rocket Research Center
Bruno Naulais | 歐洲太空總署商業育成網路 (ESA BIC) 聯合創辦人、歐洲太空產業育成三十年以上經驗.Co-founder and former manager of the Network of European Space Business Incubation Centers at the European Space Agency (ESA BIC).
Philippe Lattes | 歐洲太空總署南法商業育成中心 (ESA BIC Sud France) 專案經理 、SpaceSeed 創辦人.Project manager at ESA BIC Sud France. Founder of SpaceSeed.
David Hello | General Manager & CEO at TerraNIS SAS.
Benoit Rivollet | In Extenso Innovation Croissance 產業經理、技術轉移專家、多年歐洲創業經驗.Industry Director at In Extenso Innovation Croissance. Multiple years entrepreneurship experience.
Jerry Lin 林子傑 | 台灣創新快製媒合中心 (TRIPLE) 資深專案經理.Senior Project Manager at TRIPLE.
演講主題 Seminar Topics
1. Success stories from EU's space-connected' Start-ups and SMEs (Bruno Naulais & Philippe Lattes & David Hello)
2. Space Technology Transfer overview (Benoit Rivollet)
3. Taiwan Space Ecosystem: current development and the focus areas for startup opportunities ( Prof. Jong-Shinn Wu 吳宗信 博士)
4. Introduction of Taiwan Design & Manufacturing Ecosystem (TRIPLE) 台灣設計與製造生態鏈與TRIPLE之介紹 (Jerry Lin 林子傑)
5. The ESA BICs Model (Bruno Naulais)
6. How to build a space ecosystem with SpaceSeed (Phillippe Lattes)
報名表格 Registration Form
活動夥伴 Event Partners
協辦單位 Co-Organiser:林口新創園 Startup Terrace
指導單位 Supervised by:經濟部中小企業處 Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, MOEA