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The Economic Board Utrecht (EBU) was founded in 2012 to give direction to Utrecht’s economic development. Its establishment was in part motivated by the economic developments since late 2008: Utrecht realised that despite its economic prosperity, inaction was not an option. In a consultation phase with stakeholders throughout the province, representing (semi-)public knowledge institutions, cities and businesses, the need to cooperate and identify opportunities together was seen as the most urgent to keep Utrecht in its comfortable socio-economic position. Therefore, the EBU is deigned as the regional actor responsible for giving direction to economic development and is shaped as a network organisation. Members of the board are industry leaders and representatives from knowledge institutions, along with political leaders from the province and main cities.
「台灣企業國際化協助網絡」是在荷蘭註冊登記非營利的合法機構「台荷商盟基金會」(The Taiwan Business Alliance Foundation),它所組織設立的服務平台,現已得到歐盟和荷蘭政府的全面認可和高度重視,擁有與歐盟及荷蘭政府對話管道,其目的,是支持推動促進台灣與歐洲之間雙邊在科學技術、經濟文化、貿易等領域方面合作交流和業務上的廣泛發展,同時,為積極推動台灣中小企業與國際化經濟並軌並徹底融入這個大家庭之中。
To perform systematic research in S&T policy and make recommendations in the policy formulation process.
To support the government on S&T policy planning, evaluation and program management.
To establish national and international S&T information systems and provide integrated services.
To cultivate innovative and entrepreneurship talents and encourage local universities and research institutes to commercialize their research outputs.
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