Tiger Accelerator Bootcamp

…and get ready to take on the world

Nelson Farfan Espada
Strategy and preparation Workshop
2 month program
Date: August 8th-9th. 2019
Location: TAIPIE
NTD $50.000
Per company
Hands- on methods on your own cases
課 前準備- You will present your company via video before the bootcamp and get a prep-work. 準備一段影片簡介您的公司與服務
實際演練-At the workshop we will review and coach your work
課後輔導-You have 1-2 months to work on your deliverables with a virtual coaching to finally present at the judgement day.
Ready to develop your own business !!!!!
How to make Taiwan products relevant for a global market and environment
Hands-on strategic thinking and execution workshops on your own cases
Develop or improve your own communication like “A Class” companies
Get drilled to present your company at international arena
Get ready to develop your international business presented by a world-class “fortune 100” Strategist and Marketer
The coach
Nelson Farfan Espada is an executive entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience in managing, creating and building world-leading brands in key strategic positions. Nelson is managing director of an international strategy and brand company, management coach, guest speaker, and trainer. Former global director at Procter & Gamble, Gillette, Braun, Oral-B, Brita, Merz. Clients: HKUST-EMBA, Midea, Toyota, Kenwood, De'Longhi and many emerging brands.
Nelson brought many global brands to leadership as well as SMEs and triple sales also for Taiwanese start-ups.
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